Looking for a local take on the best way to explore the oldest farmers' market in Wisconsin? Before heading out in the Stevens Point Area, here are our key tips to get the most out of every visit to the market.
Top Market Tips:
BYOB - Bring your own bag to bring home all of the goodies you love. Better yet, pack a cooler bag to keep your farmer market finds comfortable if you decide to continue exploring.
Grab cash beforehand - Although many vendors offer electronic payments now, some do not and it may just be what you want to buy.
Preview, then buy - Walk through the market to scope out the goods available (and in season), before settling on the vendor you’d like to buy from.
Seek out inspiration - Take visiting the farmers' market a step further and find even more great local goods during ArtsWalk and the Night Market events.
Plan your visit - Check out the guide to in-season produce in the Central Rivers Farmshed Farm Fresh Atlas, to make the most out of your time (and get the most out of your visit!).
Where to find it - During the traditional growing season, you’ll find farmers on the Square (in downtown Stevens Point) daily from May through October. From November to April, farmers move to the Winter Farmers Market at the Berard Center in the Boys and Girls Club.
Want more?
Find more fun things to do in the Stevens Point Area after visiting the market, with our 30+ things to do this winter or where to find a tasty sandwich or the best wings! Then, while you're out and about, be sure to tag us @StevensPointArea and use #StevensPointArea on your Instagram photos for a chance to be featured!