Nothing pairs more perfectly with music like warm sunshine and beautiful water views. This year the LevittAMP Music Series in Stevens Point, Wisconsin brought live music to Pfiffner Pioneer Park (along the river in Downtown Stevens Point) for 10 free concerts. The events welcomed listeners young and old and hosted artists playing live music from a wide variety of genres including; folk, blues, latin, soul, Americana, rock pop, and even a fusion of bluegrass and hip hop.
The most important part? The community came out in force to support the events, to share some time with family and friends. Now, we have a chance to bring it back for 2020, and all we have to do is vote!
Voting is open from November 1-20. Need a reminder of why? Check out these pics from past summers below!
How to Vote:
Step One: Register to vote here.
Step Two: Sign up or log-in here.
Step Three: Click on the Stevens Point, WI map icon, or click 'Learn More & Vote' under the 'Stevens Point, WI' box.
Step Four: View the proposal and click 'VOTE NOW'.
Step Five: Spread the word, by sharing this post!